Learn How to Make REAL Dutch Pancakes! (Recipe)

Ever wondered how you can make your own Dutch pancakes AKA ‘pannekoeken’? These Dutch pancakes are among one of the most popular delicacies of the Netherlands, just like oliebollen, poffertjes and even kroketten. The big difference with American pancakes is Dutch ones are light and flat. So you can eat alot more of them (we love to think!). Keep on reading to get the best Dutch pancake recipe and impress all your (Dutch) friends!

Pannekoeken are actually very easy to prepare, and they are a perfect solution whenever you are in a hurry, tired or just don’t feel like making a full dinner. You can make ALOT of pannekoeken in an inconsiderable amount of time. Share this recipe with your friends and colleagues!

You need

  • 250 grams of flour
  • A little bit of salt
  • 500 ml. of milk
  • 2 big eggs
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • One apple (not essential!)
  • A little bit of olive oil
  • Butter to fry
Learn how to make your own Dutch pancakes on the Learn Dutch Online Blog!
Learn how to make your own Dutch pancakes on the Learn Dutch Online Blog!

1. Sieve the flour, grater the apple and mix everything except the butter in a bowl using a mixer (not too hard)

You can also mix it by hand, as long as it becomes a reasonable thick, even substance.

2. Heat the butter in a baking pan

If it’s hot enough, spread some of the mix EVENLY on the surface of the pan. Fry the pannekoeken until both sides are goldish brown.

Learn how to bake the perfect Dutch pancakes now from the LearnDutchOnline.nl Blog! Perfect for your Dutch parties. And breakfast of course.
Fancy up your pancakes like a French dish. Pure bliss for those with a sweet tooth!

3. Use some ‘poedersuiker’, ‘stroop’ and any other toppings you like (cheese, fruits, chocolate etc.) and enjoy! Heeeerlijk!

Enjoyed reading this best Dutch pancake recipe? Stay tuned for more recipes. Enjoy this one for oliebollen in the meantime or to practice for New Years’ Eve!

Continue reading the LearnDutchOnline.nl Blog: the Biggest Expat festival of Holland, why should you visit it?

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